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Innovative Manufacturer
Keep our focus on technology and automation to provide the most efficient solutions to our customers.
Technology & Innovation
We provide custom products and services to match your specific requirements.
Working Worldwide
Our location on the territory of Ras al Khaimah Economic Zone in the UAE allows for working both for East and West.
Advanced Technology
Our modern facility and skilled staff guarantee 100% tool quality. The R&D team work to ensure precise machining.
Tools Implementation & Optimization
Get the best results out of tool implementation due to optimization of machining programs.
Carbide Grades Description
Machining is an extremely difficult process that definitely starts from selecting the right tool. For example, carbide inserts come in a variety of grades, each finely tuned to tackle specific materials and applications. Refer to the table below to learn the specific carbide grades by WENZA that can transform your machining operations for precision and efficiency.
Ferrum Base
This grade boasts a robust CVD coating enriched with a thick layer of TiCN and Al2O3, which substantially elevates wear resistance and enhances toughness. It stands as the first choice for general machining of the ISO P group.
Ferrum Speed
This grade features a medium-grained carbide substrate, complemented by an intelligently designed chipbreaker and cutting edge, ensuring exceptional chip-breaking performance, even with ductile steels. The multi-layer CVD coating, comprising TiN/MT TiCN/Al2O3/TiN, enhances durability during high-speed machining. The remarkable thermal stability of this coating enables efficient machining at cutting speeds ranging from 180 to 450 meters per minute. This insert is purpose-built for machining the ISO P group, suitable for both semi-finishing and roughing operations.
Carbo Base
Featuring a CVD coating and a high-abrasive substrate adorned with a substantial TiCN and Al2O3 coating, this grade stands as the first choice for general machining of cast iron.
Carbo Advance
This grade features a medium-coarse substrate, combined with a thick TiCN layer and textured Al2O3 coating. Following a specialized post-coating treatment, it exhibits exceptional wear resistance. It is ideal for high-speed semi-finishing machining of cast iron under stable working conditions.
Chromium Base
This grade adopts the reliable PVD Coating method with enhancements in coating thickness and coating bond strength. It is the first choice for machining stainless steel and mild steel, making it suitable for both turning and milling.
When it comes to the general processing of diverse stainless steel materials, it offers improved wear resistance and enhanced processing efficiency. Moreover, it maintains a moderate production cost and boasts an impressive 95% finished product output rate.
Chromium Advance
This grade offers an optimized blend of TiAlN coating and a micro-grain carbide substrate featuring a high Co content, resulting in exceptional adhesion resistance and toughness. It is well-suited for semi-finishing stainless steels and threading general materials
История развития компании
Создание модифицированных улучшенных сортов КНБ стабильного качества и открытие нового направления – ПКА.
Выход из корпорации «Роснано», смена направления развития, запуск производства на территории ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва».
Регистрация компании Microbor. Получение патента на технологию производства.
Открытие второго производственного участка. Разработка новых сортов. Расширение продуктовой линейки.
Расширение продуктовой линейки. Получение Заключения от Минпромторга о производстве промышленной продукции на территории Российской Федерации.
Выход из корпорации «Роснано», смена направления развития компании. Выход на серийное производство. Регистрация ноу-хау технологии изготовления крупноразмерных бланков КНБ. Запуск производства на территории ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва». Открытие новых направлений: керамика, твёрдый сплав. Увеличение производственных мощностей в 2 раза.
2018 - 2020
Развитие нового производства
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